Two days until my Go/WordPress amalgamation is complete

I worked on my Go app today. The code is complete, so now we're moving onto packaging. I managed to hammer out the development and production stages of the Dockerfiles. I made the README far worse than it was, but it's got a rough structure now, even if it's currently work-in-progress nonsense. It'll be done … Continue reading Two days until my Go/WordPress amalgamation is complete

“Just don’t go to any company that does web stuff”

I don't remember exactly when YouTube recommended the first Primeagen videos to me. After watching a few of his videos I decided I liked them. He talked about memory management, which was a subject I knew little about. I knew from rebuilding the same open mic listing app in WordPress, Next.js, Django and Rails that … Continue reading “Just don’t go to any company that does web stuff”

Saving for later: “Challenging projects every programmer should try” + compiler books

I was watching a Primeagen video on YouTube where he read an article called Challenging projects every programmer should try. It has a text editor, game, compiler, operating system and spreadsheet. The article cites data structures needed to build these. During the video, Prime strongly recommended the books Writing an Interpreter in Go and Writing … Continue reading Saving for later: “Challenging projects every programmer should try” + compiler books

Finishing the frontend for my Go WordPress front-end tomorrow

I'm so ready to be done with my Go-powered WordPress front-end. I'm close to the finish line though! I have five items left on my front-end list, and four them are CSS. The last is implementing error screen. After that, here's what's left: Embedding CSS files & templates Build production Docker and Compose files Update … Continue reading Finishing the frontend for my Go WordPress front-end tomorrow

The final challenging feature in my first Go app

I've learned a lot about Go with my WordPress front-end app I've been hacking on. I learned most of Go's concurrency primitives. I learned about writing custom Go functions. I learned JSON deserialization. I learned about date time standards. The list goes on. I've had a lot of false starts along the way by building … Continue reading The final challenging feature in my first Go app

The most sensible Go template articles I’ve seen

This is the most sensible Go template article I've seen, and it shows how to use all pages with all layouts. It's written by someone who is very high up at CloudFlare. This article deals with faking template inheritance using "template" instead of "block," and also discussing handling template errors gracefully: This StackOverflow article … Continue reading The most sensible Go template articles I’ve seen

Umarshalling JSON should happen separate from http responses in Go

I had been writing some clever Go code that would unmarshal an http response to JSON all in one foul swoop. Somehow it didn't occur to me until this very moment that this approach can only cover the happy path unmarshalling. If I had the not-so-crazy desire to unmarshal an error response to do something … Continue reading Umarshalling JSON should happen separate from http responses in Go