My create/update testing strategy worked

The testing strategy from my last blog post worked! I added three tests tonight that proved the strategy out on the create open mics endpoint. I have three more tests to add to cover the creation of drafts, then several more to cover the update endpoint, but the idea has basically been proven out. Once … Continue reading My create/update testing strategy worked

Solving for the hard tests

I've been a little lost on how I was going to test the create and update actions. I don't want to write tests for every field. I don't want a lot of duplicate code that will get out of sync. I also feel awkward about testing the model directly for validations when I'm testing the … Continue reading Solving for the hard tests

Copy & paste, find and replace, 56 tests

As of today, I have tests for the OpenMicsAdminControlller :index, :new, :edit, and :delete routes. I don't know how I'd like to approach testing the :create and :update routes yet, so I'm skipping those for now. Last week I started migrating parts of the VenuesController to a VenuesAdminController, but left it in an incomplete state … Continue reading Copy & paste, find and replace, 56 tests