Number of active tests: 9

I added three more tests today:

  • Homepage returns items for each day
  • Homepage returns today’s events first
  • Homepage will display an event under each day it runs

These are honestly some of the most critical tests for the whole site. I’ve broken some of these before on this version and previous.

There was also some code I wrote extremely poorly from the homepage so I removed it. It took me days to remember/understand what it did. It looks like it would create a placeholder like “Sunday – Tuesday: No Open Mics”. I may want that feature again at some point, but I’d code it from the ground up and add testing right away.

RuboCop is a nightmare. I spend hours getting my tests passing then I have to spend 30 minutes making RuboCop happy. I’m definitely not looking to ditch RuboCop but I might find a way to enable auto-fixes on save to make it more like Prettier and less painful to use. I also had to adjust my pre-commit hook to be like, “Seriously: if I told you to ignore this file then you need to ignore it RuboCop.”

Using the methods to set the date for the test was awful. It didn’t work the way that it looks like it should have in the stack overflow example.

I was also surprised that items in after(:each) and after(:all) don’t get their database transactions rolled back. That was pretty astonishing compared to every other framework I’ve used.

The seeders also now run as a part of the test setup.

I was also bummed to see the Relish App website is offline because the VC-funded company that bought Cucumber fired the guy who built it and no longer seems to give a shit. They had the best docs for RSpec.

I bought pants and got an oil change today. It’s probably been… six years since I’ve bought pants? It’s been a really long time. They make them better now. Stretchy. Comfortable. Nice.

Oil change was overdue. It’s probably been a year. Jiffy Lube says I have an oil leak. Nice.

Welp, this was a stream of conscious because I’m too tired to think. My closing thought is that it bums me out how much more comfortable I am in my code base at work than SacMusic. I actually care about SacMusic. Hopefully adding these tests will help me pick up velocity and get to know it better. Hopefully.

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