I’ve been typing wrong my whole life

I’m trying to brush up on my accuracy with touch typing numbers and symbols to get better at Neovim. I was Googling for some resources when I saw this:

What the fuck is this?? I’ve never typed like that in my life.

If I learned that in school I sure don’t remember it. I took typing classes in both 8th grade and freshman year of high school. I really don’t remember learning that, and that looks really uncomfortable for couch typing. That Z with the pinky is all wrong.

What feels even weirder is that I can barely find any references to the positions I use while typing. I found two:

That’s it. That’s everyone. I have no idea what’s happening or where I learned this.

They have the fingering I’ve used since I started typing though.

This is what I know. I’m not going to relearn. Yet I can’t help but feel that my life is a lie.

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